2021 global fixed market size of $15 billion 700 million
2016-05-11 15:57:16

 According to a market report released by the latest foreign market consulting firm, the global market size of the global outdoor LED display will reach $15 billion 700 million by 2021.

Asia Pacific market leading industry development
The report 《Global Market Study on Outdoor Led Displays:Asia Pacific to Witness Highest Growth by 2021 in Installed As Well As Rental Market》, focused on the contribution of the Asia Pacific market for the global LED display industry.
2021 global fixed market size of $15 billion 700 million
The report for the installation of outdoor LED display and rental market, including LED billboards, LED mobile display, LED TV wall, LED traffic signal screen and other LED matrix display.Reported that the global outdoor LED display market is expected to grow from $2015 at the end of to $15 billion 700 million in 2021, compound annual growth rate of 15.9%.
LED advertising display growth is higher than the entire fixed market
In addition, at the end of 2021 LED advertising segment is expected to occupy the global market share of about 46% of the global market share of LED fixed installed market share, the compound annual growth rate of 16.7% (2015-2021), higher than the entire fixed 15.9% of the market. Among them, the North American market will occupy 31.6% of the market share.


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