Mobile phone standard OLED has come
2016-05-04 14:33:04

 Lift the OLED screen we are not unfamiliar, in the mobile phone market, the most common is the Samsung AMOLED the, its own's Galaxy line of mobile phones has been loyal fans of AMOLED, development so far in the galaxy S7 Series acclaimed.And recent South Korean news media exposed says, apple and Samsung is likely to have signed up to $26 billion of OLED panel order agreement.Seems to be an OLED screen time popular mobile phone ring, then the era of mobile phone standard OLED screen to come? below we first to know about the advantages and disadvantages of it.

What are the advantages compared to the traditional LCD screen OLED screen
OLED thickness can be thinner, less than 1 mm, only LCD 1/3 screen, and lighter weight; this is very important in the design of mobile phone.
Solid state institutions, no liquid substances, and therefore better seismic performance.
Lower power consumption, the same white background OLED LCD compared with no advantage, black background have obvious advantages. Because of high contrast, under the same brightness, visual perception of high brightness and helps to reduce the power consumption.
Wider color gamut, LCD because is by the filter generated color, color gamut is limited, so the color of our common LCD screen is relatively weak, usually can only do the NTSC standard gamut of 70% to 80%. OLED can easily exceed 100%, showing more beautiful colors.
Can in different material substrate manufacture, can be made into flexible soft display, this advantage can not only let the phone resulting in qualitative changes and in other areas.
OLED screen disadvantage also exists
Pentile or the arrangement resolution attenuation of about 30%, under the lower DPI will be relatively heavy particles.
In the presence of color purity is not enough, OLED stressed that green (green too bright), prone to fatigue. Also because it is self luminescence, so in the process of aging may appear different pixels aging degree is not the same as the brightness is not the same, it is easy to increase the color bias problem.
Life is usually only 5000h, less than LCD at least 10000h of life.
Because the thickness of organic thin film in OLED device is very thin, it is difficult to reduce the cost of high precision manufacturing technology.
OLED suppliers to master in a small number of vendors: Samsung /LG. Organic screen in the global smart phone market, Samsung has a share of 95% of the share. The problem with this situation is that the risk is high, there is no alternate resource.
Overall with the advantage of technology progress OLED screen is more and more prominent, the disadvantages are also in constant complement, like Samsung, through ultra high resolution remedy pentile arrangement of pixel attenuation problem, also more and more panel makers has at the beginning of the OLED screen layout, will be more conducive to reducing the cost and increasing the production capacity. Of course, now a short time in mobile phone standard OLED screen is still faced with many problems, but with apple mobile phone giant, and drive the OLED popularization rate of return to more and more quickly.


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