• Analysis on the status quo and current situation of China's LED chip industry in 2015-2016

    According to the analysis of the status quo of our country's chip industry, the Chinese government early in 2003 proposed "national semiconductor lighting project" plan, "Eleventh Five Year" start, the state of the semiconductor illumination as a major project to promote Read More
  • LED technology gradually mature placement machine came into being

    SMT Technology (surface mount technology) and electronic information technology to maintain the momentum of development, and in the electronic information industry plays a more and more prominent role, the status is more and more important. Read More
  • Mobile phone standard OLED has come

    Lift the OLED screen we are not unfamiliar, in the mobile phone market, the most common is the Samsung AMOLED the, its own's Galaxy line of mobile phones has been loyal fans of AMOLED, development so far in the galaxy S7 Series acclaimed.And recent South Korean news media exposed says, apple and Samsung is likely to have signed up to $26 billion of OLED panel order agreement.Seems to be an OLED screen time popular mobile phone ring, then the era of mobile phone standard OLED screen to come? below we first to know about the advantages and disadvantages of it. Read More
  • The technological innovation represented by CSP and inversion is a major trend.

    On April 22, the year 2016 G20-LED Lighting Summit for the first time CEO conference was successfully held in Linfen, Shanxi Province, members of the enterprise, Shanxi Guangyu lighting hosted the summit. Read More
  • Penetration of LED in lighting applications

    Led tech industry in Taiwan is quite important a ring, with the LED in lighting applications, the permeability increased year by year, many manufacturers also began to think, LED technology import into other end use applications. Read More
  • Current situation of LED lighting market in China

    LED lighting market is considered to be one of the most important and most promising applications of the future LED.Compared with the traditional lighting sources such as incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED has the advantages of energy saving, environmental protection, adjustable color and long life. It is the inevitable trend of the future development of lighting. Read More
  • Discussion on the design trend of LED lamps from Frankfurt Exhibition

    In this exhibition lighting, energy efficiency is no longer the case, lighting manufacturers undoubtedly can have more choices.Is the choice of output in the appearance of traditional concise lamps more comfortable, more high quality of light, or the use of LED lamps and lanterns characteristics of miniaturization and modularization, create space and more combined with the art of existence, become the choice of different lighting manufacturers. Read More
  • LED Lighting Internet platform was coming

    This year, there have been several lighting industry's Internet platform for formal operations, each platform is in the shape of their core competitiveness, looking for a different model. Read More
  • Global integration of LED industry chain

    At present, the lighting industry is experiencing the transformation from traditional lighting to LED lighting and the global industrial chain integration,LED lighting industry and acquisitions drama has also been staged. Read More
  • Analysis on the development trend of LED industry supply and demand in 2016

    2015,LED industry has experienced the baptism of winter!What is LED industry supply and demand development trend in 2016? LED market segments will face what kind of opportunities? Read More


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